The $300 increase for PWD and IA was life changing. We have until the March 31 budget meeting to raise the volume on this issue. Take action from home:

As reported in a recent article, the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition has called on the provincial government to continue the temporary COVID-19 support ($300 monthly) for people on disability and income assistance. The temporary top-up is scheduled to end after December. The coalition is also calling for investments in affordable housing.

“Too many people in British Columbia have been poor for too long and the COVID-19 crisis has shone a spotlight on how the system must change.”

At the Richmond Food Bank, we focus on providing healthy, nutritious, and high-quality food (including fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods) directly to those who need it. Since poverty is the root cause of food insecurity in British Columbia and beyond, our mission includes advocating for changes that reduce poverty.

If you want to find out more about issues related to poverty in our communities, you can check out the websites of the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition for a provincial perspective, and the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (of which the Richmond Food Bank Society is an active member) for a local lens.

Related article and link to a petition, June 2020: Coalition Calls for BC’s Covid-19 $300 disability top-up to be made permanent.