Community Food Resources
We often share information about free drop-in meals and other key services available in Richmond, BC. Many of these have been impacted by Covid-19, but there is an up-to-date map of food resources thanks to Vancouver Coastal Health:
Financial Assistance
If you have received the CERB previously and need to find support after CERB, you can check the link:
Support for individuals includes Employment Insurance, Canada Recovery Benefit ($500 per week for up to 26 weeks for workers who have stopped working or had their income reduced by at least 50% due to COVID-19, and who are not eligible for EI), Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit, Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit, Mortgage Payment Deferral, and Provincial Supports including the BC Recovery Benefit
Newcomer’s Guide to Richmond:
Access Richmond:
Finding Housing
Community Resources
The Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition has also compiled a list of resources that you or someone you know may benefit from. We are sharing an edited version of that list below:
Richmond Family Place:
Now offering services remotely. Daily Facebook Live Stream Circle activities three times a week. See the schedule at:
Richmond Family Place has started virtual parent groups to bring families together. Families with children 0-6 years old who need some support are called weekly and surveyed to find out their needs. Email, call or FB message them for more information.
Richmond Public Library:
Richmond Public Library is here for you! Library team members are still here to answer your questions M-F from 9-4.30 pm. Access their online resources and attend online programs. For Information Services please call 604-231-6413. For direct help from a librarian about ebook, audiobook and e-resources or to make an appointment for 1-on-1 technology assistance over the phone please call 778-837-6896. For library card and account questions please call 778-229-4617. No late fines will be charged. You can also get a library card online. No ID will be required. See link:
City of Richmond:
See various recreational activities / services online at:
Please also click to read or download the Seniors Resource Guide with available resources for seniors in Richmond, their families and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Richmond Women’s Resource Centre: Currently offering these programs online: English Conversation, Dance and Tone, Grandmothers support group (via chat group and telephone), Richmond Shares. Visit their website for details and updates, or email them at
Information for Tenants / Renters
Waitlist for a Family Physician/Nurse Practitioner
Anti-Poverty and Food Systems issues