Food Banks Canada has released the 2014 Hunger Count, a comprehensive report on food bank usage across Canada.  As a member of Food Banks BC and Food Banks Canada, the Richmond Food Bank participates in the Hunger Count by providing anonymous statistics.

We encourage everyone to read the report- it has fascinating statistics and highlights worrying trends that are reflected in our community.

We do want to highlight one important divergence from the national trend: while page 2 of the Hunger Count notes that usage has increased by 25% since 2008, we have seen almost a 100% increase at the Richmond Food Bank (from 750 people served/week in 2008 to more than 1400 people/week in 2014).

We have been able to help so many people because of the support of our community.  Please Donate Now to help our neighbours in need.  For every $1 we spend, we give out $6 worth of food.

If you want to learn more about the effects of poverty in Richmond and how we help our neighbours in need, please Contact Us.  We would be delighted to offer you a tour of our facilities.

To learn more about the Hunger Count, please visit Food Banks Canada’s site.  You can download the 2014 Hunger Count here.