Thank You April Volunteer Groups!

We were very lucky to have several groups volunteer with us this April.  They include: These groups helped us sort donations, restock shelves, clean our warehouse, and distribute grocery assistance.  We are very grateful that they chose to volunteer with us. Thank you to the many organizations that volunteered with Read more…

2018 Volunteers Are Stars

Congratulations to RFB Volunteers Arlene and Margaret (left and right, respectively, with RFB Volunteer Coordinator Stephanie in the centre) for their nominations at the Richmond Cares Richmond Gives Volunteers are Stars gala last week! Volunteers are Stars is a celebration of Richmond’s volunteer spirit.  The nominations are a great honour, Read more…

Happy Birthday to Us!

The Richmond Food Bank turned 35 this March- we officially opened our doors in March 1983 at St Alban Church! We were originally planned as a temporary source of support during an economic downturn.  However, the need only grew. We served 20 families the first day with grocery hampers.  Today, Read more…