Richmond Food Bank’s Response to COVID-19

March 18, 2020 – Richmond BC: The Richmond Food Bank Society values the safety and well-being of our clients, volunteers, staff and community members. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are stepping up our safety precautions as we continue to fill an essential service in our community.

“The Richmond Food Bank is committed to providing healthy and nutritious food to our neighbours in need. Our community’s continued support means so much more especially now, as we work through these uncertain times,”
said Hajira Hussain-Executive Director of the Richmond Food Bank Society. “As more and more businesses are closing temporarily, and certain staples are in short supply, it is harder for low-income individuals to afford the food they need for them and their families.”

LAST UPDATED August 3, 2020: Instead of our usual choice-based model, we are providing pre-packaged hampers for our clients to pick up weekly from our main location at 5800 Cedarbridge Way unit 100. To encourage safe distancing, we have extended our pick up hours so clients can come any time between 10am and 3pm Monday through Thursday, or Saturday 10am – 3pm, one visit per calendar week. (Please note: these hours have changed effective September 13 2021)

Starting on Tuesday June 9th, clients will also have the option to pick up their weekly hamper on Tuesday from Peace Mennonite Church at 11571 Daniels Road (drop in between 3:30pm and 5pm sharp) instead of coming to the Cedarbridge Way location. Starting Mon August 10, a West Richmond depot near Hugh Boyd secondary will also be open Mondays 3:30-5pm. Our other off-site distribution depots and the Thursday evening distribution remain closed until further notice.

To help us meet the increased demand, we are urging our community to support us with:

Monetary Donations: We appreciate donations of funds especially during these difficult times. We are anticipating an increased need as more and more people have either had their work hours cut back or have lost their jobs entirely. Monetary donations are extremely helpful as it allows us to purchase specific items that the Richmond community needs most. We can provide a tax receipt for donations over $20.

Volunteering: We would love to have any healthy and willing individuals (who have not traveled recently) with a little bit of extra time to help pack grocery hampers and sort food. All volunteers will be provided with disposable gloves. We have daily janitorial staff, plus protocols for workers to keep work spaces clean.

Food Donations: The Richmond Food Bank appreciates all donations of nutritious, unopened, non-perishable food items. Most needed items include rice, pasta, pasta sauce, canned milk, canned fruits and vegetables, and canned beans. Food donations can be dropped off at the main location or in the food bank bin at your local grocery store.

About the Richmond Food Bank Society: The Richmond Food Bank Society provides food assistance, advocacy and related support to community members in need. Over 1700 Richmond residents access the weekly grocery
distribution service during 6 weekly distributions at 4 different locations throughout Richmond. As a registered charity and a non-government organization, we are not government-funded, and rely on the generous donation of individuals, community organizations and businesses.

Media Contact:
Hajira Hussain-Executive Director
Richmond Food Bank Society


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