All of us had a lot of fun at our annual Volunteers’ BBQ on Sunday 16 August 2015.

1More than 100 volunteers and their families enjoyed a wonderful dinner at bucolic Paulik Park.  RFB Directors Heath Newman and Ed Yee fired up the grills for hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken burgers, while RFB staff served salads, chips, and cookies.

Entertainment was provided throughout the evening by Master Gardener and RFB volunteer Gary Lake, who provided guided tours of Paulik, and by the Arlene Hewitt Trio, who beautifully performed classic songs.

Thank you to the City of Richmond for letting us use Paulik Park; to Seafair Meats for providing the meat at cost; to Arlene, Kevin, and Simon for their lovely music; and to the more than 200 RFB volunteers who work hard every week to help our neighbours in need.

We organize monthly social events for our volunteers, including our four major social events each year: the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, the Volunteers’ BBQ, the Tea and Cake Social, and the Volunteers’ Potluck.  We also host morning tea, Mondays through Saturdays, at 10 am.  If you’re interested in volunteering, please click here to find out how.

Categories: Volunteers