Happy Birthday to Us!

The Richmond Food Bank turned 35 this March- we officially opened our doors in March 1983 at St Alban Church! We were originally planned as a temporary source of support during an economic downturn.  However, the need only grew. We served 20 families the first day with grocery hampers.  Today, Read more…

Thank You McKinney students!

Thank you to McKinney students Jenna and Jeremy for organizing a donation drive and for inspiring their fellow classmates to donate high-quality non-perishable food items. We rely on the support of our community to help our neighbours in need.  Please visit this page to learn how you can help.

Thank You Richmond Secondary School!

A big thank you to Richmond Secondary School for their generous donation of $3692.13!  Richmond Secondary collected this money during their December donation drive. We are very fortunate to have the support of local elementary and high schools, including Richmond Secondary.  Richmond schools hold donation drives throughout the year- at Read more…

Thank You Imprint Plus!

We are very grateful to have received this generous donation of $5580 from Imprint Plus! In December 2017, Imprint Plus employees raised money through a variety of initiatives: potluck lunches, bake sales, and a wide variety of raffles for prizes that were donated from the staff. Imprint Plus and their Read more…