A lovely time was had by all at our 3rd Annual Tea Tasting and Cake Social on Friday 27 February 2015.
More than 50 volunteers enjoyed nine different cakes and eight different types of tea, including a mystery tea. Special thanks goes to Nora, Shona, and Yuri for baking cakes!
We then enjoyed a presentation from our Volunteer Coordinator, Hajira Hussain- a slideshow about her trip to India and the two family weddings she attended there!
More than 200 people volunteer each week to provide groceries for our neighbours in need. RFB volunteers are involved in all aspects of our organization- they pickup, sort, and pack donations; clean and tidy our warehouse; drive our forklift; provide organizational oversight on our board of directors; delivery grocery parcels; give out healthy, nutritious food; and much, much more. We couldn’t serve more than 1400 people in a typical week without their help.
We hope you enjoy this gallery of photos from our event, and please consider becoming a volunteer and joining us at our next Volunteer Social Event!