A wonderful time was had by all at our 2nd Annual Tea Tasting and Cake Social for Richmond Food Bank Volunteers on Tuesday 18 February at 1:30 pm in our Cedarbridge Way location.
More than 50 RFB Volunteers, staff, and their friends sampled over nine teas while enjoying their choice from seven different cakes, cupcakes, and trifle.
We critiqued teas, told stories, and shared laughs. At the end of the tea, there was a door prize raffle with prizes of gift baskets and chocolates.
Not wanting to leave out the volunteers at our Daniels Rd location (who were preparing for the regular Tuesday distribution), RFB staff delivered a Tiramisu cake and Almond Biscotti tea to the wonderful volunteers at Daniels Rd.
The Tea Tasting and Cake Social is one of the four formal Volunteer Appreciation events we hold each year. The other events are our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner in April or May; our BBQ in July, August, or September; and the RFB Potluck in November. These events are in addition to the informal events we hold throughout the year and our Dragon Boat practices.
Thank you to the many people who made this event possible, including the private donors who donated the gifts for our door prize raffle, and RFB volunteers Nora who baked two cakes, Peter who made the trifle, and Yuri who baked the cupcakes.
We are very grateful to the 50 or so volunteers who joined us and to the more than 180 volunteers who make it possible to serve the more than 1500 neighbours in need who come to us for food assistance each week.
Here are more photos from the Tea Tasting and Cake Social for RFB Volunteers:
If you want to attend next year’s event, you’ll need to become a Richmond Food Bank volunteer. To apply to become a RFB Volunteer, visit this page and fill out the Volunteer Form through the link at the bottom of that page.